Defender Titans offer very little in the way of offense, and outside of offering Weapon-Boosts/Health-Recovery, the Ward of Dawn is a little Useless, unless you intend to have Helm of Saint-14 equipped. Without the exotic Helmet, enemies just waltz into your bubble and try to swarm you and kill you.
Now, I'm not asking for some kind of offensive-ability for Ward of Dawn; that'd just be silly. Instead, I want to know what you all think about this idea, instead:
What if a Titan raising his Ward of Dawn over a downed member of the Fire-Team actually resurrected them from Death? Think of how useful this would be in Hard-Mode Raids; how much it would help reduce the need for "Wipes" every time someone made a mistake.
Not only that, but it would even offer a whole new level of diversity and a new dynamic to PvP; especially in Trials. It would make the "Defender-Class" a viable, competitive PvP class for Titans to use. Because, let's be honest, Sunbreaker was Nerf'd almost to the point of being useless in PvP. It would offer a new level of strategy for Titans to take advantage of, rather than relying purely on Fist of Havoc's offense or hoping your Hammer of Sol connects from range to get a kill.
What do you all think?
(I know there are going to be angry people in the comments, even though this is just looking for an opinion and offers 0 reason to be angry. Just try and keep your 'Blah-blah, you're a retard, blah-blah, I'm triggered, blah-blah, you make'a me so mad! to a minimum please.)
EDIT: Several people have expressed that they think this ability/perk would be better suited to the Warlock Sunsinger Class.
I have to disagree with this. The Sunsinger isn't really, nor has it ever really been, a "Support Class." It's more along the lines of a "Tank-Class," than anything. It offers no ability to Heal other Guardians. It's mostly about taking absurd damage and being able to self-revive when you finally reach your damage-limit. The closest thing it has to a "Support" effect, is reducing the Cooldown times of other Guardians Abilities/Supers.
That aside, the Warlocks have been shown more "Love" by Bungie than any other class. I don't say this with "salt," or spite. I point it out merely as a statement of fact:
1.) Warlocks have a good amount of Armor when maxed out, as it is. But to amplify this fact, Bungie gave them "The Ram."
2.) Warlocks can literally "mulligan," and bring themselves back from Death with their Super. Upon their self-revive, they are given an over-shield, a Melee-Damage Buff, and up to 11 Grenades to rapidly throw at enemies.
3.) They have exotics that turn their scatter-grenades into Tracker-grenades.
4.) Their Storm-Caller class has ridiculous range and tanking ability in Super, to the point of being nearly invincible.
5.) If someone melee's your storm-caller during storm-trance, his abilities are immediately re-filled, making him even more dangerous.
6.) They have higher aim-assist on their [b]melee[/b] abilities than any other class.
7.) Every single one of their Supers offers a Projectile-Attack ability that is, arguably, more powerful than any other classes Super.
8.) They have the ability to kill most other guardians in PvP from 50% health, just through their prolonged "Burn" ability. 10+ Pulses is more than substantial.
9.) Their Melee has more range and damage-from-range than any other class, except the Throwing-Knife and Smoke-Grenades of the Hunter. (Btw, a throwing-knife headshot from a Hunter is not a 1-hit kill. Which, as someone who doesn't even use a Hunter, I still find to be "B.S.")
10.) They get one of the best exotic Scout-Rifles in the entire game as a Class-Exclusive. (Ace of Spades is alright from what I've seen, but Fabian Strategy is terrible. 100% terrible.)
Again, this is not to hate on Warlocks. But you guys have a lot of versatility as it is with just about every class you have. I think this is an ability that should belong to a [b]true[/b] support-class, which is what the Defender actually is.
They have no real offensive super-ability, so I think instead, they should have a very useful [b]support[/b] super-ability, like the ability to revive allies who are downed.
All of these ideas sound fun. I think the resurrection idea should be an exotic equipment perk though.