Bramd - old
Well... I may be able to at least let him change between the two forms. *Mortar's arm seems to get larger and more dragon like, then back to normal* -
"Tried that. Couldn't get it to work."
Bramd - old
It's an ancient Underworld study, I had to learn it just to hold my own. -
"We need to get her to fully change into a human. She doesn't want to be able to change back."
Bramd - old
She doesn't? It would be good to become a small dragon at will... But if you wish -
"Can you help or not?"
Bramd - old
I think I can... I've helped a friend with a similar problem... but that was years ago. -
"Then we need to try it."
Bramd - old
Soon. I'll need to do something... it's a little fuzzy *I dissolve into the ground* -
"Okay? Do I need to come?"
Bramd - old
*reforms* If you'd like. You know how to get there, or not? Because I got a portal at my place. -
"No, I don't know the way."
Bramd - old
Alright then. Follow me. *Mortar begins to walk towards the gates* -
[b]He follows, the dragon still on his shoulder.[/b]
Bramd - old
So... may I ask how exactly she became a dragon? *He jumps over a ledge* -
"She was working on a transmutation technique, and she failed."
Bramd - old
Makes sense, I mean, I've had a few friends mess up in that field. Be glad your friend doesn't look like a mangled up mess* -
"She did, for a while at least."
Bramd - old
Weird. *We approach a concrete building with a glass room, a pool in it* Well, we're here, home sweet home -
"Nice house."
Bramd - old
Thanks. *I walk through the garage door* This will take a minute, so relax, just don't take anything in the fridge labeled Wit. -
"Okay." [b]He looks inside the garage.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar is tinkering with something on the wall* -
"So is that what's going to help?"
Bramd - old
This is the thing that brings us to the Underworld, where I'll have the most success. Plus everyone there is dead, so there are no distractions, except for a slight rotting smell.