In this thread, I will be giving my opinion on the best reforgable heavy machine guns and perk combos. For other weapon classes go here :
Let me start off by saying that I think Heavy Machine Guns aren't as good as Rocket Launchers in PvE. In PvE I want alot of damage fast. With a rocket launcher I can jump out of cover, shoot a rocket and immediately jump back in. With an HMG I need to stay out in the open, where all enemies can see me, and fire at what I'm firing at. Rockets are less risky for PvE.
For PvP, anything between HMGs like the NM vendor one and Corrective Measure are great HMGs. My favorites are BTRD-345 and THE SWARM.
For the first column I'd suggest Spray and Play, as I always like to reload it fast(Note : I have not seen the Counterbalance or the Rodeo perk affect any HMG).
For the middle column, try to get Casket Mag(-Stability +Mag Size). Casket Mag doesn't take that much stability off from what I've seen.
For the final perk, go with Persistence(Grows more stable the longer it is fired), Army of One(Reduced melee and grenade cooldown) or Feeding Frenzy(Faster reload after a kill). These are all great perks for an HMG.
[u][b]How To HMG[/b][/u]
When picking up HMG ammo, don't just run into the other team, as atleast one will have a Rocket Launcher, and that rocket could cost you your heavy ammo. Go the long way around, try to flank them. When you arrive at the battle scene, most people will be dead, and no rockets to threaten you. Then just play carefully the rest of the game. Don't be afraid to use Nova or FoH if you have over half of the mag left. Those bullets may get you another super.
As my introduction told you, Rockets are superior in PvE. But I will still post the best perks for PvE.
For the first column, try to get Surplus. This is the absolute best on an HMG in PvE(Surplus [u]does not[/u] affect the amount of heavy you get from Crucible).
For middle column, again, try to get Casket Mag. For the final perk, try to get Army of One or Grenadier, as HMGs are meant to clear out small trash mobs, and so they get more kills, and with Army of One or Grenadier, you'll have tons of grenades and melee charges all the time.
That was my opinion on HMGs. Feel free to argue with me about perk choices/combos but please tell me why you think otherwise too. Next I will be making a Reforge Guide for shotguns.
For the BTRD in particular, I've found that Smallbore is preferable to Casket Mag - it only reduces the mag size from 46 to 42, and max capacity is unchanged. With the stability it gives the gun, you can nearly push it to 100%, and in PvP I've done quite well with it. My recommended rolls for PvP would be: Aggressive Ballistics for the sight Counterbalance or Hidden Hand for the first perk (depending on your playstyle I suppose, CB would push the recoil down and help get more precision hits, while HH helps more in my opinion for helping that first shot land, hopefully giving you the edge by staggering targets; I'd prefer Hidden Hand myself). If you find that Counterbalance doesn't help you (it seems to affect me), Hot Swap is a great alternative as well; remember to quick-swap weapons by double-tapping the button and holding down the second tap, or bring your ghost up for a short time to proc the ability more easily before going around corners and Crowd Control for the second perk. If you're the kind of player that feels like you won't benefit much from Crowd Control, then my next recommendation would be Rangefinder; I'm not sure how well it affects the range, but it's likely the next best choice for a more cautious MGer, since you're likely hanging back in the group to be safer. My recommended rolls for PvE would be: Aggressive Ballistics for the sight Hidden Hand or Surplus for the first perk, for either higher accuracy or more ammo (I'd use Surplus, but that's because I like running with full ammo on my heavy at all times) and Crowd Control or Army of One for the second perk. For a PvE design, you could sub out Smallbore for HC rounds, but I wouldn't want to lose the stability Smallbore gives for a little more stagger personally.