[spoiler]either another member or just some random thing[/spoiler]
[spoiler]what do you mean? He's trapped alone in a garlic bread cage.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i trapped 2 others[/spoiler]
*He looks around the cage.*
[b]they are in other cages[/b] [b]you hear a voice[/b] [i]You will fight Ornstein tomorrow for your freedom. Loser fights RoyalBlade.[/i]
~you hear Ornstein laugh maniacally in his cage~
[spoiler]Gonna be murdering Sketch soon...[/spoiler]
*He sighs.* "Let's hope my claws are back by tomorrow... I was really excited to use them on somebody."
[spoiler]end[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'll put a new post for it tomorrow[/spoiler]