Here you will invent an item. Ya know anything you want.
Decide what it looks like and what it's called. What it does and why we should buy it.
Maybe even show off some images if it if you want. I don't know.
If you want some guidelines fill it it this form and feel free to add anything extra.
[i]Item Name:[/i]
[i]Item Type:[/i]
[i]Item Cost:[/i]
[i]Item Description or Image:[/i]
[i]Item uses or importance:[/i]
[i]Item Marketing:[/i]
Now have fun. What will the Offtopic create?
Edited by DamperCoder27: 5/11/2016 3:45:47 AMElectro-connect Brain implant (Forgot rest of the list so if the list is out of order sorry) Connects you to any electronic that has Internet $6 mill No reason I guess Dark net bro