"After you."
"The one time huh?" [b]I enter the castle.[/b]
*it looks like the other one and a man in a trench coat sits on the throne*
"That him?"
"Oh hi." The man says "Yup." Mark answers
"Hey there!"
"Hi." *He says standing up to reveal a black sword on his back his black cloak looking kinda creepy*
"You look creepy!"
"That's not nice." *he says as he walks towards Mark and Royal*
"Hey listen here mister pedophile. Not my fault."
*he sighs* "Kids these days."
"I am more then 10,000 years old. Try Me."
"25,000." "Mark is only 20,000 though." He says
"So why are you two here?"
"Mark can tell you."
"I got your message!" Mark yells "Oh I just wanted to tell you that just summon a shadow portal and I will appear to try and help you." The man yells "Wait so we traveled all the way here just for you to tell us that!?" "Yup." "…" "…"
"Oh for fu-"
"Wait. Royal. Can't you control shadows?" Mark asks
"That's right?"
"You could summon his shadow minions to help." "They are pretty strong."
"And do What?"
"Help in battle I guess."
"We're gonna fight?"
"I don't know. Let's just head back."