originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]Grins, and half watches him, as I take down guards with single arrows, making them fall into your pile[/i]
[u]Sueth starts to tear at the newly fallen bodies, reducing them to small bits and pieces. Shards of bones are thrown at anyone who tries to run, impaling them and severing their muscles.[/u]
[i]Walks up next to you, and takes three fairly god heads. Then turns to a running person, and charmspeaks her to take the heads up to the main dojo. I then take out a long knife, and stab some of the remaining civilians[/i]
[u]Sueth falls into the pile of blood and gore, nestling himself in between a torso and a pair of legs, giving the allusion of him being a girl.[/u] What do you think? Not my type? [u]He laughs, then grabs a stray eyeball and pops it into his mouth.[/u]
[i]Resists laughing[/i] "Depends on the person." [i]Walks over, dragging a few people, and dump them in the pile, I then sit next to you in it[/i] "Mind sharing?"
Edited by Pofeh: 5/11/2016 5:49:03 AM[u]Sueth smiles, obviously delighted to find somebody as deranged as him.[/u] There's enough room for four if we had more people. [u]He gestures at the pile of limbs.[/u]
"I have a partner, he isnt here rigjt now though. Would you wish to join us? Lots of killing and stealing." [i]Finds a intact brain and begins to eat odd parts of it[/i]
[u]Sueth spins his blade, changing it into different weapons, experimenting with how well they cut flesh.[/u] Sounds like my kind of party.
"Wonderful." [i]Begins packing a bunch of flesh into a bag that seems to hold anything, then begins eating again[/i]
[u]Sueth starts to mess with different body parts, taking out a suture needle and thread. He starts to sow random pieces together while humming.[/u]
[i]watches from the corner of my eye[/i] "So, how did you come to be cannibalistic?"
[u]Sueth continues to sow the body parts together, creating a strange doll of sorts. One of the legs appear to be a child's.[/u] I was hungry, so I didn't waste what I killed.
"Wanna borrow my bag? It can hold anything, indefinitely."
[u]Sueth shoves the doll into the bag.[/u] Another one for my.... Collection.
Is this what you do with your free time? [u]He begins to carve little drawings into a severed arm.[/u]
"Depends on my mood. Im a vampire by the way." [i]sets the bag in between us[/i]
[u]Sueth nods, throwing away the arm and grabbing another to carve into.[/u] How did that come to be?
"I was murdered when a assassination failed. Woke a few days later with fangs and a craving for blood."
[u]Sueth nods, finally getting bored of the arm. He digs around in the pile, searching for something.[/u]
[i]Lays back[/i] Do me a favor, bring me to q camping site when you go. And dont eat me, I lack blood. [i]Goes to sleep[/i] [spoiler]ill make a new post tomorrow[/spoiler]
Edited by Pofeh: 5/11/2016 6:10:27 AM[u]Sueth picks you and starts to carry you too a camping site.[/u] Got it. No eating you. Not like I'd kill somebody like me... [spoiler]k. Probably going to bed too[/spoiler]