Listen, I understand all the jokes about autism. Some of them are actually pretty funny. But seriously, isn't it time we did a little research into the ones we're making fun of?
[url=]Click here[/url] to learn more about autism so you can be respectful towards those with disabilities.
I am starting to hate having it to be honest. Not being an inconvenience to people (or at least thinking that I am) is a lot more important than musical ability to me right now.
Link to picture says autism+rickroll
Edited by pluckedseraphim: 5/16/2016 8:18:43 PMWhen the link itself has rick roll I know it's bad b8
Microwave it.
I blame the three chromosomes in 21
*Autism Spectrum Disorder [spoiler]if we're referring to the D.S.M classification of commonly known as Autism.[/spoiler]
Damnit... Well here we go, sing with me :( [i]Never gonna give you up[/i]
>Expected a serious posts >Sees the link the clearly is a rick roll >Finds out OP made this as a bait thread >"OP is fgt"
I know that this is different but f*ck it. [spoiler]Syndrome is down but my hopes are up![/spoiler]
[b] [/b]
My suspicions were troo moo
Nice try. I suspected you might pull something like this. Also I always check links before opening them.
The world needs a comprehensive eugenics program. We need to make quality people, not quantity people.
I knew a guy in highschool with autism. He would turn into a T-Rex and chase people.
hahahaha XDXDXDXD le edgy autism meme [spoiler]But seriously, hang yourself.[/spoiler]
The Fitness Gram Pacer test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds; Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal (ding a ling) A single lap should be completed after you hear this sound (ding) Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible.
Lol the first link clearly says its a Rick Roll
You seem to be posting more serious and mature post recently, does this have to do with a certain something that happened earlier?
Edited by NateTheTurboVirgin: 5/12/2016 2:14:03 PM[b] [/b]
Edited by CliffyWeevil29: 5/12/2016 4:57:55 PM[REDACTED]
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