How about Fixing Game loot experience!
Its been missing since the start of the Game! I know that lot of stuff Bungie fixed! like more legendary, exotics but there is bigger issue than this!
Its a freaking Shitty perks!!!!??????!!!!!!
You wanned a cool gun after a Month or a year depends on Rng You been blessed you have it ! You happy.. sreams of Joy and then let's check this puppy out and Ooo F....k f...k yourselves with this crappy shitty roll why why?
How about Fixing this issue for particular strikes or end game activities Ask Guardians what perks on what they like and go from that... there's a lot of shitty perks we can get rid of... when you finally get your special item at least you now it's gonna have decent roll...
I Think it's Number 1 issue of the Game Grind Grind and here you go get Shit..
Please Bungie Look into it...
Apologies for Mistakes and Grammar.. But You got the point ;)