*Mion goes back to playing with Dave, making funny little chirping noises* Mion, Do you know where Sketch is? [i]I think he went with Malik...[/i]
*Sketch stands up.* "No, he landed on my head and I went unconscious shortly after."
Oh. Hey there
"Hello, did you need something?"
I wanted to see that liquid that sharpens your claws, see if I can improve it.
"Well it's too late. I've already used it."
"How were you going to try and improve it?"
Valhite is the perfect metal for things like that.
*Looks at his metallic claws.* "I think they're strong enough already."
Okay, but if you change your mind...
Nothing, nothing
*Gives you a slightly concerned look.* "Sometimes you worry me..."
And you
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Okay then.