I've got all 3 at 335 and I have 200+ items at 335. I would say chests will be the last engrams you guys will be looking for when getting every last thing to 335🤒
Chest is the most common for me, I need a helmet for my hunter, probably would be 335 already but I opened my exotic helmet when I had one of the gunsmith weapons so it dropped at 320 :(
[quote]Chest is the most common for me, I need a helmet :([/quote] You should farm the Sunless Cell and Fallen Saber Nightfalls! That's how I got 8 helmets. I was anticipating helmets being my weakest link and I have like 25+ of them. Especially Sunless Cell Nightfall - really fast to farm for Alak-Hul's Darkblade helm at 335 light.
Thanks haha I'll have to try that out
I know right. .chest was the last for me too
All i would get was chest pieces lol boots was the ha4dest for me.
[quote]All i would get was chest pieces lol boots was the ha4dest for me.[/quote] Wow, crazy cuz most people are swimming in boots. I've got all of mine at 335, exotics, raids, specters, wardens.