[This group has been deleted]
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We were a strong, commendable group. We've supplied Bungie.net with just about every important meme for the past 3 years. We didn't do it for the fame, or the power. We did it because we knew what was in our hearts was right. We didn't accept the common procedures and poopy shit that other groups have. Our trial process was fool proof. Noone got into our hug box without us knowing exactly who they were. We've had people wipe shit on their chest, spray paint cop cars, shove eggs in their ass, and so much more I am just not at liberty to say on the public forums.
We've anticipated this oncoming nuke for a while now. We knew we had enemies, we know we were in dangerous territory. But we stood tall, and now, it was all, for naught. I'm leaving bnet for good this time.
Thank god