I don't know how to feel about this. Shall we spark a conversation about the pros and cons of such a high living wage?
Yay! Let's make our money even more worthless! This is getting out of hand. People are earning 15 USD for PUTTING BURGERS IN A BAG. I am disgusted.
Forcefully implementing minimum wages on states is unconstitutional.
What exactly do they do at McDonald's, that I don't do at home? I sweep, mop, restock napkins, take out the trash, wash dishes, and cook for other people. Can I start making $28 an hour? My hours are also longer than someone at McDonald's.
Prices and exchange rates will increase with it
Businesses will hire less employees and expect much, much more of their current employees.
Just my 2 cents. Any 'big' business projecting entry level task based jobs to have higher pay...would probably not be keeping everyone around on payroll. Talking about automated process or robots. That 1 human cashier/front desk can then be easily paid lot more. Ironically it'll turn the low 'skill' job into a higher tier of skill. Personally I don't mind paying bit more for stuff I buy if that will keep someone from being hungry somewhere. But I'm a single dude and am neither a business owner nor an economist so wouldn't even begin to guess implications of minimum wage hike..or have a strong opinion about it.
No. You don't deserve $28.00 an hour to make burgers, mow lawns, or sweep floors. I'm an emt and I make half that.
You shouldn't be aiming for the minimum, it's a starter job that has potential for growth if you treat it as such. This isn't a European shithole, in America we work. It's your job to provide for yourself and your family, not the government's or your neighbors job.
$28 is a whole lot for minimum wage.
inb4 people on this forum say that the businessman is stupid and they know more than him about the economy and business
Of course a rich businessman would say that
That's called inflation.
I feel that that man and his kind needs to perish due to natural selection
Then you better get ready for your $40 fast food meals.
Random forum user believes username (Napoleon) has the word gullible tattooed on his/her forehead.
The reason is big businesses will be able to afford this; smaller businesses will be out of business, ending any kind of competition.
Representatives of these large conglomerates often support higher minimum wages. The CEO of Costco is one example. It's not out of goodwill or charity. It's because their large business will weather the storm. Their small-time competitors will not.
Working forty hours a week at minimum wage should allow you to provide for at least the basic needs of 1.5 people.
The second anyone even mentions minimum wage and suddenly all the 14 year Olds are economics majors.
Ok guys hear me out, what if we made the minimum wage $1000? I know it sounds crazy but I think we can make it work
You can say goodbye to any small business if that happened. Large corporations would be the only ones able to survive. [spoiler]also, that number is ridiculous I made 18.75/hr last summer and I was interning for an insurance company [/spoiler]
Then we'll have an entire generation of McDonald's workers because what's the point of becoming a doctor if I can make the same just flipping burgers? Then we'll have to hire more H1B's just to make sure people are taken care of.
Raising it to 350$ an hour could help as well
Edited by Forum Therapist: 5/16/2016 1:37:35 AMI happen to enjoy family owned restaurants that don't make my wallet burn. So, no.
The economy would crash