originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[u]The guard stubles around blindly, then suddenly falls. It appears his flailing caused your blade to sever his spine.[/u]
[u]Sueth calls out. His battle with the brother is nearly over. He took advantage of the brothers blindspot to plant his blade in a chink between the neck and the head.[/u]
Well, now all that's left is the girl. You can have the honors!
[u]The girl cowers in fright, terrified of you and sueth.[/u]
"Oh? I thank you." [b]I walk over to my guard and pull my sword out of his back. I draw my weapons and pull out a dagger.[/b] "Hey sweet heart." [b]The girl falls over as I loom over her. I crouch down and pull her close to me. [/b] "I'm going to enjoy this." [b]I stab the girl in the thigh and slowly make my way up her side. She is screaming and crying like no tomorrow. As I reach her heart, I pull her body apart and break her ribs. I slowly start pulling out her broken ribs as she fades into unconsciousness. I stab my dagger directly into her heart and she jerks upwards then falls back.[/b]
[u]Sueth laughs all the way through.[/u] Let me go grab my little buddy. I'm saving him for a snack later tomorrow. Helps to keep the meat fresh. [u]Sueth walks away and comes back with the boy sling over his shoulder.[/u] Back to base? [u]He starts to fill a large bag with entrails and flesh.[/u]
"We should hit the weapons cache first. Grab what we can and take it with us."
[u]Sueth nods. He tosses the boy into the bag, the takes out another bag for the weapons and starts to walk back to camp.[/u] I'll meet you at the stash. Just head there without me.
"Sure thing." [b]I walk around the town for a bit and put some trinkets into a bag. I finally head out and arrive at the stash.[/b]
[u]Sueth arrives at the stash to meet you. He's wearing his scarf and glasses.[/u] If looks could kill, I'd be a... Oh wait... Never mind. [u]He starts to root through the pile. He grabs a large bolt action rifle and starts to examine it.[/u] I wonder how much this can destroy with a single bullet... [u]He aims at one of the carts and takes a pot shot. a loud "bang" resonates through the gully as the carts explodes, leaving only a crater behind.[/u] I'm taking this. [u]He goes back to rooting through the pile.[/u]
[b]Midnight starts searching through the pile, taking out miscellaneous items and throwing them in. And the he finds it. The Mestizo. Midnight looks at the blade in awe.[/b]
[u]Sueth looks over and points while chewing on a piece of skin.[/u] What's that? [u]Sueth gropes randomly in the pile, then pulls out a massive great sword. He starts to wave it around daintily.[/u] This weighs about two tonnes. I think I'll keep it.
"This is [i]The sword.[/i] The creator called it 'The Mestizo,' because he used multiple metals to create it. Look." [b]I unsheathe the sword and there are clear differences in locations of the sword.[/b]
[u]Sueth nods, looking the sword over.[/u] Nice, nice. Too fancy for my tastes. [u]He starts waving around his seven foot broad-sword.[/u] I prefer hunks of metal like this. [u]He waves the sword, somehow able to stab extremely fast and accurate, but extremely elegant for a psychopath.[/u] Inhuman strength helps a lot. [u]he starts to root through the pile again.[/u]
"I enjoy a certain elegance with my weapons." [b]Midnight puts the sword on his back and fills up the rest of his bag.[/b] "I'm off. Take your time I'll see you at camp." [b]Leaves [/b] [b][spoiler]Good night [/spoiler][/b]
[u]Sueth nods, then salutes in a strange manor.[/u] Cheerio mate. [spoiler]night. Probably going to sleep too.[/spoiler]