Look on YouTube and you are seeing all of these video's of guardians soloing Trials. And guess what they are using, the Hunter. It is no surprise that the Hunter is being utilized as it is the most broken class in the game. Broken meaning it is overpowered.
And Bungie. Bungie makes many of its adjustments based on Trials and gameplay by which Hunters absolutely dominate. The Nightstalker alone has a n amazing arsenal of perks in its perk tree, and it doesn't even require an exotic. The Shade Step is the most amazing perk and the most useful in combat.
When you compare to the Titan it is such a joke. What is the counter to the Smoke Grenade or the "Wombo Combo"? There is no counter. The radius of the grenade is large making escape nearly impossible. The Hunter can counter any Titan ability, most of which is counter by a shotgun. And there lay the problem. The Titan is supposed to be this close quarters tanky class but it is not.
The Titan is supposed to have more armor that a Hunter but it doesn't appear that way by any means. In-fact it takes just as many shots with a shotgun to take down a Hunter as it does with a Titan.
Bungie has pushed for such a balance that its no longer balanced. Hunters have there perks and the Titans counter should be its armor. But look what Bungie has done to the Titans Armor. Its been reduced. Even the perk from that stone helmet doesn't increase the Titans armor, yet oddly if the perk is selected in the perk tree it does increase the armor.
The Titans armor needs to be increased and I am not talking about its super. There needs to be a significant difference in the amount of weapon hits the Titan can take as compared to the Hunter.
The Hunter mobility and perks are far superior. And the fact that all of these 1v3 Trial matches solo'd by Hunters is further proof. Those against keep ignoring every valid point and go right to the so called "Tian Skate". That is a joke and a cop-out of all other issues. The skate only get you from A to B faster but when guns are drawn it does nothing. Absolutely nothing and not enough to make a difference in this argument.
I am playing more and more with my hunter and perform far better with it in PvP. I mean seriously I like the Titan but I have come to realize that I like what the Titan "should" be and not what it is. I would highly recommend that all Titan player play on there Hunter as you are faster, have greater agility, superior perks, and face it weapon damage is pretty much the exact same so its a no brainer.
Bungie, your little updates to the Titan was so long over due I don't even care to thank you for it. It is such BS that it took you this long. And it seems that you are only fixing the shouldercharge because the same issue exists with what....the Hunter. Had the blade dancer not had these issues you still wouldn't fix the shoulder charge let alone acknowledge the issue.
You are sorry and I am disgusted with you, your piss poor bs statistics and nerfs based on Effing Trials counting for a small populations of players. And your Sunbreaker nerf was enough for me.
Fix the Titan Bungie or piss off.
Dude. If they are soloing Trials....they are ridiculously awesome at the game regardless of class. 99.9 percent of hunters couldn't dream of that.
Second. My buddy runs as a Titan. I've never seen anyone move so fast and well.
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