This is where you make friends to play Destiny.
Need fresh recruits for your [url=]Clan,[/url] or want to quickly fill a spot on your Fireteam to go out on [url=]Patrol[/url]? You’ve come to the right place. Make a post here to find friends to share your Destiny experience with. Whether you need someone to watch your back in the [url=]Crucible[/url] or assist you in tackling and endgame [url=]Raid[/url], you can find more brave souls here.
Above all else, be excellent to each other. Ninjas are on the prowl! Their [url=]Banhammer[/url] is mighty and their justice is swift.
Just got back into Destiny so I'm looking for some friends to play Trials and other endgame content with. Console: Xbox One GT: KKorrupt DTR: 50 K/D: 1.9ish Light Level: 311 Class: Hunter I've been Flawless 100+ times during year 1 ToO, and I've gone Flawless twice in year 2 with light level 297. Message me on Xbox if you'd like to game, I'm just really looking to expand my friends list and get a solid number of people to play Crucible with. I usually get on around 8pm Eastern. Looking forward to hopefully meeting some new people!