originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*he rears up on his back and grab you with his front legs slaming you into the ground pinning you down.*
Edited by Skatch142: 5/13/2016 11:56:01 PM*His sword gets thrown to the ground and lands about thirty feet away. He outstretches his hand and then closes it. The sword suddenly flies towards your front, right leg. It makes a sonic boom as it propels itself straight at your leg.*
*he makes a strange noise that one wouldn't normally hear coming from a dragon as the sword sinks in deep hitting the bone. He staggers slightly as he holds right leg off the ground as it starts bleeding heavily as he tries remove in vain but its stuck in the bone his leg.*
*He gets up and summons his second sword. And sends a blast of air towards you.* "EEEEVVVIIIIILLLLL!!!!!!!!!!"
*the blast knocks on him on top the sword that stuck leg and with a echoing snap then you him shrieking in pain. When he finally gets up you can bleeding even more as the sword sticks all the way through now. Its bloody and its broken at a weird unnatural angle* "You bastard" he hisses as he in great pain. *the ground underneath him is slick with his blood *
"I don't want to kill you but I will if I must."
*he starts getting dizzy from blood loss swaying a little bit* *he sinks to the ground weak and no longer able to fight* "Do what you will im too weak to stop you.."
*He keeps an eye on you.* "I think someone else should decide what happens... HOVAAARK!!!"
"You need to leave kiev"says hovark. "Dont care where just not here" *with the kiev gets to feet a walks away leaving a trail of blood behind him as he leaves sketch's sword still stuck in his right leg*
"Lemme help you with that..." *Sketch's sword disappears from his leg.* "Well, I'm glad we are done with him... At least for now."
"Yeah for now at least" he says *kiev whimpers when the sword pulled from his leg* *he watches kiev limp away trailing blood* "At the rate hes bleeding he doesn't have very long so i didn't matter if killed him he already dead inside" says hovark.
"Yeah... Should Leyla and Serenity know about this?"
"Got it... I'll keep quiet."
"See that you do"
*He nods and disappears into the shadows.*
*he watches him disappear*