originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"You need to leave kiev"says hovark.
"Dont care where just not here"
*with the kiev gets to feet a walks away leaving a trail of blood behind him as he leaves sketch's sword still stuck in his right leg*
"Lemme help you with that..." *Sketch's sword disappears from his leg.* "Well, I'm glad we are done with him... At least for now."
"Yeah for now at least" he says *kiev whimpers when the sword pulled from his leg* *he watches kiev limp away trailing blood* "At the rate hes bleeding he doesn't have very long so i didn't matter if killed him he already dead inside" says hovark.
"Yeah... Should Leyla and Serenity know about this?"
"Got it... I'll keep quiet."
"See that you do"
*He nods and disappears into the shadows.*
*he watches him disappear*