This DLC, marked the Best Era of Destiny. It introduced a 6-7 mission story, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris. The best part of this DLC was that:
A) You could reroll weapons
B) You could Ascend old Legendary Weapons and Armor that came out at Launch, Dark Below, and 331 Vendor Gear to Max Light. (365) (Fatebringer anyone?)
C) Crucible was mostly balanced (Auto Rifles needed a big buff back then for crucible to be 100% perfect)
And best of all....
Weapons had [i][u]Primary Elemental Burns[/u][/i]
I suggest that Bungie, takes a moment to go back in time and see, "Hey, this was the best moment for Destiny so far, people want it back, what can we do to make a direct replication of this Situation and make it the same as back then?"
Also, May 19th this year is on a Thursday, which is a Bungie Weekly Update day. I would like Cozmo to say an opinion or a favorite thing back in House of Wolves that was fun and/or want to bring back.
-May 19th marks the Anniversary of House of Wolves, what did you like about it, what do suggest that could bring back that moment into Year 2?
Thanks for reading. Comment, Bump, and see if we can get this noticed. Please share this with other people as well.
Edit 1: Lots of good discussions, most people think the bad thing was rerolling because every gun had a "god roll". I liked that because everyone had the same perks with different stats on guns and their archetypes, it made everything looked fair in my view.
Edit 2: I was on Xbox 360 when this happened.
-I saw as much of Thorn/Last Word in the crucible as I did with Pulse Rifles and Fast Rate of Fire Scout Rifles. Barley any Auto Rifles.
-Only fusion rifle I saw was Vex Mythoclaust. There was a lot shotguns and snipers but in the end, shotguns ruled most 6v6's I was in and in Trials, Snipers.
-BTRD-345 + Corrective Measure was the only Machine Guns I saw (Back then there weren't that many) and lots of Rockets Running Grenades and Horseshoes with Tripod/Clown Cartridge.
Pve Wise, I enjoyed hearing people's Reactions to Fatebringer being dropped for Them. Getting Skolas Killed 8 Times in the week before they removed the burns that Monday was a blast with Solar Burn. Nightfalls where fun because there was a lot of burns that made it fun, challenging, and fast. I would also Stack bounties, each one with 5000 xp till they were full of the 10 bounty slots and then I did them.
-we had more content than ever -endgame was rewarding -endgame gear was consistent -our weapons were strong -leveling wasn't miniscule and futile -cosmetics didn't mess with our level [b]The game was fun and had variety. Then TTK happened.[/b]
I miss 3 gjallahorns on solar burn skolas
Crucible balance was not one of the strong points of HoW... Literally everyone was using thorn or tlw. The occasional messanger or red death too. Everyone had felwinters snipers or matadors or whatever. And everyone had a rocket with grenades m horseshoes
I tell everyone that this game was at its peak at house of wolves because everything mattered and everything was relevant. There was so much to do and then the game went backwards again with taken King.
Also marks the date Point Lookout 2.0 drops.
House of Wolves is the shit.
The crucible in HoW was ANYTHING but fun, we had CLONES running around in the crucible, using either thorn or last word, a sniper rifle without a scope, and rocket launchers with a proximity detonation radius bigger than skyshock(at least it felt like it to me). Also, thorn effect crashed my game multiple times, so I'm very angry at thorn even in its current state.
It seems there's some sharply divided comments regarding this. HoW era was personally my favorite time to play. Both VoG and CE were relevant. Thought PoE was bunk, ran Skolas 2 times and that was enough for me. Ran 34 PoE every week for the EL but wasn't thrilled about it. Leveled up my 2nd character in HoW, after switching from Hunter to Titan early on in vanilla. Started my warlock but lost steam and decided to break until TTK came out. TTK dropped and after I finished the story, decided to break again until early this year. That goes to tell you what I thought about the leveling/end game system of that era. Really got into crucible during HoW. Thought I got pretty decent. Touched a .98 K/D on my Titan, before I took a couple month break until TTK came out. I was REALLY disappointed when they put a nerf on the Vex not long after HoW dropped. They nerfed the bolt spread of Fusion rifles and it inadvertently made the VM very unpredictable on hitting your target. It couldn't even do midrange very well. I ran crucible with Red Death (used this most often), MIDA, and Thorn sometimes the Vex after the nerf because I was stubborn and I used to love that thing. Never found a really good Legendary primary that I liked. Granted, I didn't try them all... I was happy with rolling with the above three. Tried Trials a few times but couldn't get into it... or couldn't get good enough to get into it. Didn't feel like I was missing anything. I liked weapon reroll, got weapons I liked with all three arc damages and perk rolls I found acceptable enough to keep. They did make crucible slant towards the Sniper/Shotty meta because, thus after a little while I started to see the meta use increase, but for the most part regular Crucible matches and even IB on Sat-Mon had plenty of folks who largely ran primaries like I do. Most of the try hards stuck to Trials.
Rerolling weapons was great and I cannot fathom how anybody disliked this aspect or the HoW era in general. Rerolling weapons needs to return badly. Give the player some control over their weapons to support the way they play.
TBH before all tryhards and PvP crybabies came on Destiny was bit broken but well balanced game and then game nerf patches like crazy The best era was vanilla era during Sept and Oct
They ruined weapon rerolling by allowing any weapon to be rerolled. I personally liked the idea to reroll weapons however I think it should have been left for ib weapons and possibly strike specific weapons.
#Tb to when fatebringer was king
This DLC, marked the Best Era of Destiny. It introduced a 6-7 mission story, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris. No. Where was the raid? Lucky you if you thought POE was better than VOG or Crota raid. The best part of this DLC was that: A) You could reroll weapons No. So everyone could use the same weapon with the same roll. B) You could Ascend old Legendary Weapons and Armor that came out at Launch, Dark Below, and 331 Vendor Gear to Max Light. (365) (Fatebringer anyone?) Bringing forward VOG and Crota raid weapons was nice. C) Crucible was mostly balanced (Auto Rifles needed a big buff back then for crucible to be 100% perfect) No. Are you seriously trying to not remember the crucible weapons era?
I agree with this comment for one reason only. Skolas. The hardest boss this game has ever had, a PvE challenge that actually took strategy and teamwork as well as a tiny bit of luck. (Good timing) Bring back a boss that keeps us constantly moving and thinking and relying on each other.
We had two raids with prison and trials and iron banner
HoW was good, good n'turrible. CE was glitchy, but still better imo. Original release was still best, other than forever 29.
Edited by Mar: 5/16/2016 3:56:04 PMi don't think you know what a PSA - "public safety announcement" is... but on another note, i think you, like 90% of the rest of the community, are seeing it through rose colored nostalgia goggles. 1 - rerolling weapons was worthless except for 1 or 2 of them, and on the 1 or 2 it was good for, you had reroll it 40000 times to actually get anything useful. 2 - yes you could ascend old gear, and that was great. but in order to do that you had to play trials, which had no match making. or you had to complete the level 33/34 PoE, which also had no matchmaking and took 50 years because the bosses were giant bullet sponges. and in order to even do any of that you had to do the level 32 PoE which had no match making and no one wanted to do because the rewards were near garbage... so you couldn't actually get the thing to ascend weapons and armor without a MAJOR headache. and lets not even get off on the whole gally being OP and being REQUIRED to do any of it. 3 - crucible was not ballanced at ALL, blade dancers were insanely over powered. thorn and TLW were about the only guns ever used by anyone, and everyone discovered the magic that is "lag switching" and learned they could get away with it without any real threat of being banned... so that precious "trials of Osiris" everyone loved was nothing but whining about lag (so much so that i only heard the complaining even though i never touched that mess of a PvP game mode) and elemental primary burns were good, when the modifier actually came up, unless it was impossible to stay alive long enough to use it, like hive or fallen with arc burn, in which case you're sweet arc damage primary wasn't doing you alot of good as a dead body waiting to be revived. and lets not even get off on the gally being so stupidly OP tangent, where the community started actively keeping people from even being able to do freaking vault of glass without having a maxed light fully upgraded one...
ya know what man.. around HoW (or slightly before release) is when I quit Destiny the first time, out of frustration at the grind, repetitiveness, and difficulty accessing end-content. I understand the overwhelming consensus is that this expansion was superior to TDB, and really helped address some issues - but I didn't feel like it was worth my money, especially since the game was (and still is) so very unfinished (story-wise). anyway, fast-forward to January 2016, and I find myself buying TTK (give them a chance), and appreciating what is obviously superior gameplay, compared to Vanilla in year one. However, that brand new car smell went away very fast when I realized that a shiny new coat of paint has not been enough to cover the entire turd. Although I do not have first-hand experience/knowledge of exactly what made HoW the Bee's Knees of DLC, I'd certainly like my weapons and ability performance across all classes to be more.. classy. Like many
I think you and I have very different memories of HoW. 1. The lack of meta in the crucible and especially Thorn. All the god rolls thanks to reforging. Then back to bitching about Thorn. 2. Prison of Elders. The poor loot drops, lack of checkpoints, repetitiveness and it's fractioning of solid raid groups. 3. Talking of raids, the endless bitching there wasn't one. 4. The general ranting of HoWs "screwing our wallets over" because of the lack of content. 5. Trials of Osiris and how "all the PvPers got better weapons than us" 6. Lag switching became commonplace thanks to aforesaid ToO. Even after a year it's funny how things change.....
I still have the echo of endless Thorns being fired in my head from HoW.
I see the points you made, they are fair. I'd personally be hesitant to call it the best era from a Crucible perspective. Re-forging weapons caused everyone to have god rolls which hurt the integrity of the crucible. Also, the meta was pretty weak. It was TLW/Her Benevolence and if you didn't have a messenger, good luck in a long range gun fight. I think the Crucible is more balanced than it ever has been, right now.
Bump. #BringbacktheFang. Personally I used that more than Fatebringer.
The one year anniversary of never having weapon parts again.
Damm, has it already been that long? That worries me a bit
Infusion got way better with April's update, but Etheric Light was the shit! Too bad everything couldn't be viable today like it was with Etheric Light. VoG and CE were viable raids back then for a few brief months.