Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mion flies up to Mortar* [i]Let me guess, Sketch is having an identity crisis?[/i] *Mion goes over and talks to him with a variety of chirps and other cat noises* -
"Mreh, mreow brow."
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mion seems to understand* [spoiler]When "talking" put the translation Mion hears in a spoiler, easier to reply to[/spoiler] -
Edited by Skatch142: 5/15/2016 4:35:27 PM[spoiler]Okay Translation: Cat bird? Chase or don't chase?[/spoiler] *He looks at Mion inquiringly.*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]I am not a cat nor a bird![/i] -
"Mrarf!" [spoiler]Translation: Chase![/spoiler] *He starts running towards Mion while barking.*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mion flies just out of your reach* SKETCH! BAD SKETCH -
*He continues running.* [spoiler]He doesn't understand you.[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar looks in his bag for something, and pulls out a rolled up newspaper, which is quickly slapped against your muzzle* *Mion makes chirping and meowing sounds to say he's not a chew toy* -
*He whimpers and backs away.*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Mrrow chir mrew[/i] [spoiler]Not cool, I'm not food.[/spoiler] -
"Brow mrarf merf." [spoiler]But eat bird, chase cat.[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Grr mwer, brerf meow[/i] [spoiler]No. I'm not, I'm something else[/spoiler] -
"Mriruff." [spoiler]Look like...[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]grr[/i] [spoiler]no.[/spoiler] -
*He tilts his head.* "Briraff?" [spoiler]What are?[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Mion[/i] [spoiler]Mion[/spoiler] -
*Rurfur mrarf M-Miurf* [spoiler]What is Miurf. (Miurf= failed attempt at saying Mion.) [/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Mion, mew Uchrp[/i] [spoiler]Mions from Underworld [/spoiler] -
"Miurf rarf mew mrerf." [spoiler]Miurf nothing? Miurf what Miurf from?[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i] erm [/i] [spoiler]erm...[/spoiler] -
"mrowf?" [spoiler]What?[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]erm mrewr[/i] [spoiler] Don't understand [/spoiler] -
Edited by Skatch142: 5/15/2016 9:13:16 PM*Miurf rarif brarf meow merf. Miurf mew rarf?* [spoiler]Miurf say is Miurf. Miurf say Miurf from underworld when ask what Miurf is. Miurf underworld? (Miurf = Mion. Sketch is unable to pronounce it when he is like this.)[/spoiler]
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Mion er Uchun. Mion Mion, erf.[/i] [spoiler]Mion is from Underworld. I am Mion, nothing else[/spoiler]