[i]I got this[/i] Look, you got the wrong guy. I found you unconscious in my ship and brought you here. Maybe one of the parallel universe Tubbs got out and did it
"No, it was definitely you. Don't lie to me." *His eyes start to turn red again.*
Definitely a parallel universe me...
"Do you think I'm stupid?!"
A little bit.
*He grabs you and starts to shake you but seems to regain control and stops.* "Why do you think I'm stupid?! Can you build the engine of a Sphirinian attack VTOL from memory?!"
"Raaah!" *He kicks over a small cardboard table with a cardboard lamp.* "What is wrong with you?! How is this okay to you?! Don't you have any respect of others whatsoever?!"
Nope [b]is trying not to laugh[/b]
*Malik Squawks at you.* -Do you want to die? Because this is how people die...-
[i]I'll be fine... hopefully[/i]
*Sketch shouts at the top of his lungs and points to the door.* "OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[b]gets out while laughing[/b]
*You feel something hit you square in the back of the head with enough force to knock out a horse.*
[b]falls over unconscious[/b]
*When you open your eyes they won't open. You try as hard as you can to open them but they are stuck. You then realize that up instead of your eyes being stuck shut, you are actually in a blank black area.*
Edited by JealousOrc: 5/17/2016 3:45:49 AMLol. Little does Sketch know... [b]i make a wall of fire for light[/b]
*You see the fire but the rest of the area is solid black, no details. It messes with your mind.*
Weird... [b]i open a portal but then decide that's lame[/b] [b]i go to sleep[/b]
*The second you fall asleep you find yourself in a white room with a number of consoles all around it. All the words on the consoles are in another language. You look up from one of them at a ring shaped object with a number of tubes attached to it. You then notice that there is a blue and slate snout blocking some of your view. You look back down at the console but a door opens and you see a giant lizard walk in on two legs.*
Screw this thing! [b]i drop kick it[/b]
*You realize you aren't in control of your body. It says something in a strange language and you laugh and say something back. It leaves and you turn back to the console. Something starts flashing red and suddenly all you see is white. It fades away and you are staring up at the sky.*
[i]Woah what[/i] [b]sees what happens next[/b]
*You realize that you are constantly hearing someone talk in that same language in your head. As you sit up you find yourself in a small clearing in the woods. The voice in your head starts to sound afraid and you start looking around shouting in the unknown language as you stand up.*
[i]SO MUCH NOISE!!![/i] [i]I must be in Sketch's old home. Or in his memories...[/i] [b]i see what happens next[/b]