So I had this weird nightmare that I just woke up from not 30 minutes ago, so it's still fresh in my mind. Here's what happened:
It started out pretty regularly, with me playing Xbox on a game that looked like Halo 5. Doing average, as usual, but that's not the point. I started to see a particular [i]face[/i] showing up on certain enemy Spartans. That should already sound weird, because everyone wears helmets. At first, I wasn't able to make out whose face it was, and it wasn't until 10 minutes ago that I realized it looked kind of like an angry Morgan Freeman. I disregarded it at first, but eventually, everyone in the game, including my teammates, had the face and were targeting me and only me. This spooked me a bit, so I went downstairs (still in the dream, mind you). I found my parents, who were both looking away at first, and when they turned around, [i]they both had the face[/i].
That's when the dream ended, and I'm assuming that means they killed me because in nearly all of my dreams, they end with me dying.
Morgan Freeman corrupted my video games and parents and then murdered me.
After telling us your nightmare does that make you feel like a [i]Freeman[/i]