The world needs to know the truth: the earth is flat. I feel like my discussions with everyone at, even if they haven't convinced you of your religious adherence to science, have begun to open your minds. No one here has been able to refute a single one of my criticisms. In light of this, I think it is time to branch out. will always be my ideological home. You are formidable opponents, even though you are blind. You argue for round earth dogma with the zeal of holocaust deniers and young earth creationists. But step by step, I will show you that you are wrong.
Anyways, pleas read and support:
Let me tell you a story, or well, about a show I saw. It's by Stephen Hawking. He asked 3 strangers to determine the glatnesd of a lake. Sound crazy right? You think it's gonna be flat but check this out; they had a hugh powered laser that could reach the end of the lake with ease. 1 person was on shore and other 2 on a boat. The 2 went ~150 ft off the shore. They took a look at where tge laser was, position themselves to be in front if it and saw that it wasn't high from sea level. Then they went offshore a couple of miles (3 I believe) they did the same thing but this time, the laser was 2 meters above sea level. Why? Because the Earth is... [spoiler]spherical.[/spoiler] This is something [b][i][u]you[/u][/i][/b] can do right now, though I don't know where to get a high piwered laser. But if you have one, try this, you will get similar results.