-im a black shuck- "So what your like a ghost dog or something?" -yes-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i] Weird [/i] [i]Can you look for a master elsewhere?[/i] -
-no i cause already found my master and its her- "What why me?" *she looks at crossbow with a confused look on her face* -because i have been looking for the last 3,000 years of one and i finally found you- *serenity is speechless*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]That's cool and all, but why her?[/i] -
"Yeah why me" -because you didn't runway or attack me'
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Fair, but that isn't how you choose someone.[/i] -
-but that is has always been our way that how black shuck choose there master's- -most just run from us-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]I see why...[/i] *Crossbow chuckles* [i]So what are you exactly?[/i] -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/17/2016 12:06:39 PM-im a black shuck a ghost basically but i have ability to take this form most people associate me with death and misfortune - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Shuck
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]People associate Mortar with that too...[/i] *As if on cue, Mortar walks up to crossbow* Hey, dude, is that a Black Shuck? -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/17/2016 1:55:37 PM"Yeah this is aiyanna"says serenity *aiyanna looks at you with her red eyes* -who is he?-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*He didn't notice Serenity until she spoke* Oh, hey there. Why is there a Black Shuck? *Mortar approaches it with a little caution* -
"Well she says im her master now cause i passed her test." -that is correct- *aiyanna watches mortar approach* *serenity looks at aiyanna and aiyanna body has wispy like black smoke that always flows off her body like steam*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Oh, then. But do you accept is the question? -
"Yes i do"she says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Great! [i]Good for you Serenity [/i] -
-thank you you made very happy master- *aiyanna walks over to serenity and sits down at feet then nudges you slightly while staring at you her red eyes*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Interesting... I've never seen one up close... -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/18/2016 12:05:37 PM"What you have seen one before?" *aiyanna tilts her head looking at mortar curiously * -so you seen one my kind before huh?-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Well, like Crossbow said, I'm also associated with death, so I'm not too far behind one of you when you appear. -
-i see but i would of sensed you though-
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
I've been known to go places unnoticed, I can sneak into anywhere, hell, I could slap a sleeping man's face in the middle of the night and he'd still be out cold. -
-that makes sense i guess- *serenity thinks about what he said and she just decided to not worry about it* "I know you have the ability to appear at random do that"says serenity.
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
That helps... -