originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*its pay no attention to sketch but sits down*
-be still i mean no harm-
"What are you and do you want?"
"Who are you?"
-aiyanna im a black shuck- -have been looking for someone to be my master for 3,000 years- -i want her to be my master- *serenity looks at sketch and shes speechless*
*He looks back at her and then at Aiyanna.* "You've been searching 3,000 years to have her be your master?!"
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/16/2016 10:03:34 PM-just searching for a master for that long she just first to not runaway- -so please be my master- *aiyanna looks at serenity then get up and lays at her feet*
Edited by Skatch142: 5/16/2016 10:05:23 PM*Looks at Serenity.* "Well? You ever wanted a giant wolf?"
-will you?- "Um i guess i can i dont see the harm" *aiyanna walks over and nudges her hand* [spoiler]a black shuck is a ghost dog that take form of a giant wolf[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ah, okay.[/spoiler] "So, where do you come from?"
-i come from the British isles-
"I've never been there..."
-its really nice there- "So what happens now" -you are my master i go where go- *aiyanna looks at sketch curiously* -just what are you? And how are you standing like that-
"Me? Well, I'm a Sphirinian leopard/wolf hybrid. (To make things more complicated, his father is actually a leopard/bobcat hybrid.) I just call myself a catwolf because it's less of a mouthful, I'm also from another dimension. As for standing on two legs, my race evolved that way. It frees up our front paws so we can use them to hold stuff." *He shows Aiyanna his hands which only have four fingers, claws and green pads.* "Since my arms and legs are equal length, I can still walk on all fours."
-how strange never seen something like that before- "Are you a boy?" Serenity asks *and you can hear aiyanna chuckle* -im a girl why did you think i was master- *that gonna hard to get use to she think to herself* *serenity looks at aiyanna shes even bigger up close*
"Well, I am basically one of a kind here..."
-hmm i see that but what about her?- *aiyanna looks at serenity*
*He looks at Serenity too.* "What about you?"
-what is she?- *she stares at me with her red eyes* "Im part mer and dragon"
"Her sister is too."
-how interesting- "Yup" "Im gonna have to make you a collar" -thats fine-
*He looks at Aiyanna.* "She looks kind of like a purple wolf to me... Make the collar purple." (Purple is Sketch's favorite color... He always suggests it.)
"Yeah i might just do that " -that sounds nice- "Well i got the stuff to in a box at my cave lets go there" *aiyanna stands up* -lead the way then-
*Sketch follows.*
*when she gets to the cave she starts digging through a box and pulls out several pieces of leather.* *she braids the pieces together into a large collar that has piece metal that bear her name on it* *aiyanna sits close by and watches her work* "Alright its all done im gonna put it on you" *serenity put the collar on aiyanna and it fits perfectly*
"It look nice on you."
-thanks it will take some getting use to though- "We might have to introduce you to my sister and everyone else so you dont scare them if your following me around" "What do you think sketch?" *aiyanna circles around sketch and she makes him look smaller than he actually is*
Edited by Skatch142: 5/17/2016 12:50:36 PM"Yeah, I think that's a good idea... You are a pretty big wolf."