originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]BJ's kid in his armor.[/spoiler]
[i]He noticed the robot scanning him, and did nothing, for he harbored no ill-intent.[/i]
[b]Tesuto finishes his scan. And immediately jumps into action[/b] [spoiler]Whats his name again[/spoiler] AH! THE PRODIGE!
[spoiler]Jackson. He usually goes by Wolf.[/spoiler] [i]He seemed confused at the robot, but suppressed it.[/i] I assume you knew my father, then?
We have talked before Prodige Jackson! The son of Sensei Wilson, and if anything the data shows is true, greater.
[i]He laughed.[/i] Not Wilson's, not hardly. [i]He couldn't believe that one. It was rather amusing.[/i] I'm sure he's got a kid somewhere, but it ain't me. My father was one of Venom's commanders, General Cody Wolfe, call-sign Blackjack. He was friends with Wilson prior to his death.
[spoiler]DAMNIT YOUR CHARACTERS ARE SO CONFUSING!!![/spoiler] [b]Tesuto looks through his database[/b] Interesting...it states you are the son of Wilson. Odd. Well, minor discrepancy I suppose. But Sensei Wolfe was welcome here just the same.
[spoiler]Not really. Wilson is -blam!-ing insane Blackjack worked for Venom and was basically Deathstroke. Jackson's like an Arrow kinda persona.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okay I just don't know your characters well lol. You don't come her much...[/spoiler]