Come one, come all!
You played the Overwatch beta?
You seen all the video shorts and trailers?
You pre-orded the game?
All or none of the above?
Then this thread is for YOU!
Who are your favorite characters?
Who do you hate?
I'm guessing Bastion, even though he's not that bad.
My mains so far are;
1. Reinhardt
2. Pharah
I'm want to use Soilder:76 more as well.
What about you?
Official you say? How so?
Let's just admire this.
I will get this game when it goes on sale. Otherwise, I love it.
What makes this official?
Edited by Gravy Train: 5/18/2016 10:57:47 AMI like Pharah, Junkrat and Symmetra. I also play Bastion and Torbjorn a bunch and Lucio in certain maps. I'll pretty much play any character. Depends what my team needs and the map. I usually won't play the same character as someone else unless they are bad with them.
Genji and Mercy are my mains
Bastion. I know, I know. They are so many ways to counter his turret form, it can't be called OP.
All the characters are fun... Can't decide...
Roadhog all the way baby
Genji, Roadhog, Mcree and D.Va all da way
Mei is where it's at!
We're all soldiers now.
Who will be streaming overwatch when it launches. Add me if you are streaming it we can make a multi page twitch and can have a fun time. Gt thegunsl1ng3r_ PS4.
I really like Junkrat.
OVERWATCH!! Also, my favorite characters are Winston, reaper, and tracer.
Without a doubt, D.VA is my favorite Zenyatta is who I hate going against the most
Zenyata (may have butchered that), Hanzo, pharah and roadhog are my favorite!
I liked Genji before it was cool. [spoiler]Liek if u cri evritiem ur snuflak mlets[/spoiler]
I'll play whatever role is necessary. I'm comfortable with all the characters, but if I had to chose my 3 favourite: Mei <3 Hanzo Mercy
Played beta but haven't pre ordered. I have watched the shorts. I giggled at Korea's love of Overwatch futa. Lucio and Mei were the only ones I enjoyed playing. I hated Reinhardt the most.
- Here.
Genji, Roadhog and Widowmaker are my most played. I hate Mei.
I main Mercy, Widowmaker, and Winston.
I can run any character pretty much, though i'm partial to attackers. The one person I hate having on the other team is Mei. I focus the hell out of her lol. She's an awesome defender.
Edited by Leftovers: 5/17/2016 6:00:33 PMEscort: Attack Offense: Genji Defense: Hanzo Tank: Reinhardt Support: Mercy Escort: Defend Offense: Pharah Defense: Widowmaker Tank: D.Va Support: Mercy Control Offense: Genji Defense: Mei Tank: Winston Support: Lúcio