originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Traitor of the Sovereignty[/u][/b]
[b][i]Digital_Dojo, Entrance Grounds[/i][/b]
[b]I figure cloaked in a dusted traveling cloak had walked swiftly into the entrance gate of the Dojo, and stood not daring to further pass. Rather the figure's complexion had been hidden beneath its hood, there still was the eerie feeling present from the hidden watchful eyes it held. Then out of nowhere the figure shouted, a man's voice from the sound of it,[/b]
[i]"What is this 'Sovereignty' you all keep posting posters about!?"[/i]
[i]Sithis seems to appear from a shadow, his face seeming pale, but he easily laughs at your question[/i] "The sovereignty is evil. The destroyed our last base, probably as revenge for us killing hundreds of them."
[b]a portal opens beside you and I walk out[/b] [b]it closes[/b] Ever heard of a Lenny?
"No thank you."
The Sovereignty are people who attacked us with Lennys.
"Hmm, well they are gone now."
Yeah. Why do you ask?
"It was to see if a connection was apparent, I'm being watched by immature teens atm lol."
That.. Is quite a long story...
*Mortar appears behind you. You don't know how, he just does* The Sovereignty... The ones who destroyed our last place
[b]The figure does not turn but seems to bob on the balls of his feet while continuing.[/b] [i]"Well who would they be exactly? And no I am not from what you call a Sovereignty; but I am here to tell you and your newer guild members are in danger of influence from another realm known as the EXTRAgalacticals..." [/i]
[spoiler]DUDE THEYD GET DESTROYED[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Negative tendencies and how 'badass' someone is doesn't measure your writing adaptivity or prowess at all; it shows how much an older teen actually cannot seem to control themselves when they are entitling themselves to be depressingly ignorant on purpose.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm saying no one would come even close to destroying motivation of fresh RPers :P[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm saying their characters would get there ass beat.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]By the others' godmodding yes they would, and the original point wasn't the actual characters, it was the members of the Dojo themselves who are in danger of negative influence by members in [i]those[/i] group(s). [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Throwing shade...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]pls no[/spoiler]