originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*He starts shuffling backwards, his eyes turning even more orange.*
[b]I stand up [/b]
*He starts shuffling backwards even more and whimpers again.* [spoiler]You're just seeming more and more threatening to him.[/spoiler]
[b]I walk away [/b]
*You hear a very loud whimper and he is hanging off the edge of a conveniently placed cliff. It seems almost as if you are supposed to come back and save him or something.*
[b]I Rush over and pull him back up [/b]
*Once you pull him over he starts to lick your hand... Then he sneezes again.*
"I'd pet you, but I know you on a personal level. So no."
*He sneezes on you a third time just to get his point across.*
"Are you sick?"
*He picks up a stick with his mouth and starts chewing on it and shaking his head.*
"Ugh. I give up."