I have 4915 and all i need is:
36 more clash wins
87 more Vip kills
85 more doubles wins
77 more salvage wins
86 more skirmish wins
94 rumble wins
Hunter class exclusive exotic weapon
Warlock class exclusive weapon
Fate of all fools (lol)
and 1,879 side arm kills because i never use the -blam!-ing things especially in Y1, i hated vestian dynasty, only used it for the VoG sidearm only challenge my friends and i did.
I know reaching max grimoire for most not important, but i had to restart my destiny account when TDB cameout because thats when i got my PS4 and i had forgotten all the info.
For most it doesn't matter but tell me anyways, whats your grimoire score currently?
Nice, keep it up!