originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Oh sorry thought you would have seen it. Did you want me to PM you?
Well yeah. A courtesy explanation of the rules, expectations, and rules of engagement would have been nice too.
Edited by Inflatablepants: 5/18/2016 5:40:55 PMOh. Yaaaaaa we probably should have done that... Okay. Main reason you were banned is because you were murdering new comers and being dickish to people. As well as God modding, which is a total No-No. We are sensitive to folks who cause chaos, or who would threaten others in the group. As you've shown me for the past hour, you wouldn't have always played nice. Also, we kind of just wanted to kill someone. Sue us.
Edited by Element Ninja: 5/18/2016 5:53:43 PMlol I figured I myself was getting OP. I originally joined for creative writing purposes. I wanted to test out what a character that had all of the elemental abilities I had in mind would be like. I was gonna test out 1 element at a time so I could individually test the limits of each element. I was under the impression that the other guy was gonna try to start a war between Dojo groups in a pestering way so I just thought I'd do everyone a favor and end it. But having all that power was getting boring like Superman. Therefore I was gonna re-write and dumb-down my characters abilities to be similar to that of the Voidwalker from destiny. But it's okay. For future new members, just make sure to look into another person's perspective and take the time to acclimate them to the fabric laws and expectations and such before banning them. It's not nice.
If you want, I could re-test you with those abilities. You could simply bring in a different character and you are good to go.
Nah. Thanks for the offer though. I had enough. Kinda disillusioned.