Do you believe in karma?
Me personally, I don't think there is any sort of cosmic force that rights wrongs. I think there is only direct cause and effect. Direct action and reaction.
No [spoiler][b][i][u]greentext by Carto[/u][/i][/b] >be me >middle aged >at least on the internet >no life >meets hot girl on Tinder >chatting her up >go to Tumblr >meet this annoying girl >believes in 62626 genders >is Femnazi >believes in the keklord >argue with her >go back to Tinder >message hot date >talk for hours >says something about Tumblr >shit pants >asks to meet up >agree >doorbell rings >answers >is grandma >asks if you are HotSpicyBoy69 >yes >realize you've been catfished >bang anyways ------------------------------------------ Part 2 >be me >wake up next to grandma >not there >look at your drawer >see needle >think shit >take shit >phone rings >grandma calls >says you w were great >hangs up >doorbell rings >hot grill >asks if you're HotSpicyBoy69 >agree >think shit >ultimate shitf[i]u[/i]ck >wake up to realize all of that was a dream >wake up to realize your dream was a dream >grandma tugs your arm[/spoiler]