I don't have the patience, motes, or recording devices necessary to research this in-depth, so I hope someone else will.
The raid fusion rifle, Midha's Reckoning, can roll with either Hip Fire or Hot Swap, but not both. I need to know which is best and worth keeping.
[b]Hip Fire[/b] is always active and increases your accuracy while firing from the hip only. But how much accuracy? How does it compare to Hot Swap?
[b]Hot Swap[/b] is only active for a few seconds after weapon swap but it offers increased accuracy to all modes of fire. However, since your FR must be charged it's unlikely it'll help for more than 1 burst. If you walk around with your FR as your primary then it's probably not as useful, but otherwise the ADS accuracy boost [i]could [/i]be more useful than Hip Fire, depending on the perk's strength.
The strength of both perks is unknown to me.
Both perks add a seemingly identical amount of accuracy.
Hot Swap only lasts a measly 4 seconds but improves ADS accuracy, something Hip Fire can never do. The ADS accuracy of Midha's Reckoning can be problematic if RNG doesn't like you, although the 4/7 bolt kill makes this more forgiving anyway.
The Midha's Reckoning has a pretty long charge time and I prefer to keep it out and pre-charged, making Hot Swap pretty pointless. The only way to really make use of Hot Swap is to specifically NOT have M.R. equiped, and to factor the swap time into the charge time which would just be damn annoying. Hip Fire it is for me.
Hot Swap is certainly a good choice for faster fusions if you use them like Plan C for "oh crap!" situations, especially if you tend to always ADS your FR's. Otherwise it's pretty pointless.
In year 1 Hip Fire accuracy bled over into a quick ADS burst. This sort of bug also affected TLW which made it MORE OP. The bug was fixed on TLW but I don't know if it was universal fix.
Not many weapons are hip fired