Hey this is just something simple and could lead somewhere down the road with the good old area of collaberation and what that is well I am a youtuber and haven't been playing Destiny as much since I upgraded from PS3 to PS4 and lost my copy of The Taken King but I am slowly leveling up my light without the taken king thanks to the april update and do have plans of re buying the taken king some time soon and would like to make videos with people on Destiny but what I really want is for 1 of the many talented artsy Destiny players to help make me a new profile picture to go with my Destiny themed cover photo on my channel and your art will be credited to you and links and such with it as well.. if this gets alot of hate or no one wants to do that.. well that is fine just figured i'd try and get something cool while making new friends and getting people together to make some videos
Bro, are you in 1st grade?! Use periods!