originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
I'm the mother-blam!-in' mailman. Used to be pretty -blam!-in' common 'round here til I took up a job with some mercs and did some crazy shit.
"Okay, okay, sorry, don't get mad at me for not knowing you..."
I'm not mad. [i]He laughed.[/i] I'm just usually an asshole. Comes naturally to me, furball.
*He narrows his eyes.* "I can see that..."
Good. Then we've got an understanding.
"So, what brings you here?"
Killing whoever the -blam!- decided to raise the tensions between the Extragalactics and y'all.
"Well, I didn't start anything..."
Never said you did... Quick to jump on the defensive, aren't you...
"I guess I am... I just try to be cautious around people I don't know." *He eyes all six guns.*
You're scared, ain't ya?
"Not really... Just Un-not-nervous."
Not much with words either, huh?
"It all depends on how well I know you, I talk a lot around friends, I only say what's needed around strangers."