originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*He comes back up for air.*
"Well, I've found an old medicine bottle, a boot, a plethora of bullets and a butterfly knife."
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Takes the butterfly knife* I've been looking for this -
"Wow thats neat"says leyla *we gotta clean this lakebed later serenity thinks*
"What kinds of things have you found in here Leyla?"
"Well i usually hunt for fish and shellfish when i am down there"
"You can sometimes find some pretty valuable stuff."
"I know that" she says
"do you want to help me look?"
*sure i dont see why not
"Okay!" *Dives under the water.*
*leyla dives underneath then opens her eyes and see can sketch in front of her. See can move much faster in the water than on land because her tail pushing her through water effortlessly*
*Occasionally surfacing for air, he swims farther out from shore and starts picking around in in the rocks at the bottom.*
*she scans the bottom of the lake she can see very clearly in the murky water. so she is able to see several shiny objects on the bottom of the lake so she picks them up and put them in a bag thats strapped to her side.*
*You see him tugging something from the bottom of the lake. He breaks it free and returns to the surface.*
*leyla swims up towards surface to see what sketch found. she surfaces close by*
"Hey Leyla! Look what I got!" *He holds up a WWI era sniper rifle.* "I may not really know anything about World War One considering I've only been here two years... But I think this gun is about that old... How did it survive?!"
*leyla eyes get big when she see the gun* "I was alive when this happened and happened a long time ago"she says "Its kinda like dejavu when i see this" she says
Edited by Skatch142: 5/23/2016 5:03:33 AM"Oh, I guess you were... Sorry if it brings back bad memories..." *He holds it back under the water.* "So, what did you find?"
"Its fine no harm done"she say *digs in her bag a pulls out 6 six silver toy spiders* "These are cool not cool as your find though" she says
"Oh, those are neat... I wonder what those were doing in the lake?"
"Who knows" says leyla.
"There could be more somewhere..."
"There might be who know"she says
"Well, I think I've found enough stuff... I think I'm going to go."
"Okay bye "leyla says
*As he walks out of the lake you notice his fur is completely matted down and he makes a feeble attempt to shake the water off.*