originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Do you think I could have just a little Ascendance? Like, an eyedropper full?
[b]I pass you a whole bottle [/b]
Oh, thanks. *Takes it*
"You've earned it."
Thanks for that
"Sure thing."
I just needed a little to see if I could make something stronger
Yes. I think I've almost got it. Tried it yesterday...
"You what?"
Yea, tried the drink yesterday. Weird part is, I woke up three days EARLIER than that.
"What the? How did you get the drink?"
I made mine
"That's not possible."
I've lived 20000 years. I think I could become a boozesmith
"I'm serious."
Me too. I got most of my money by making a Chardonnay that was sought by many wine tasters.
"No no no. There are parts of Ascendance that simply don't exist. There are parts to it that are completely unidentifiable and never before seen." [b]I tilt my head [/b] "Basically, it is literally not possible to recreate Ascendance. You [i]can[/i] however, create a version of it."
But with THIS bottle... *holds up Ascendance* I can find out what they are. Just to be clear, I'm making my own drink, not a replica of this one *Holds it up again*
"Are you sure you can identify them?"
I'm sure there are people who can
"There's no way."
Nevertheless... I'll do it
"I wish you Luck."