Hi guys,
So I decided to try out Dark Souls finally, I looked on XBL Marketplace and found that Dark Souls 1 is already purchased! I must have got it on Games with Gold and forgot.
Anyway, I've played it a little bit, managed to kill a few bosses and 3 Black Knights!
Does anyone have any pro tips for a new player? I just discovered the Hydra for the first time and got wrecked, any tips for him?
Kill undead merchant for uchigatana Level dex to 40 Level endurance to 40 Level vitality to 40 Level faith to 50 Upgrade uchi to +15 deal 420 damage Blaze (420yoloswag4jesus) Also in ng+ you can use sunlight great spear Win at the game cus your over leveled for ng and the first 3 ng+ [spoiler] but for real th uchi is amazing, some say its easy mode but it is a really good weapon Also go for back stabs For the hydra equip a bow, you can one between dark root garden and baisen Use your best weapon and bomb rush the hydra with a 100% physical damage reduction sheild Once you get into the water the hydra should use physical attacks just block them and hit the heads, once you cut off all the heads the hydra will insta die [/spoiler]