Fragment 1: "Probably not..."
[spoiler]"Are you sure you should be doing that?"
"Probably not."
"So why are you doing it?"
"Needs more accuracy and more power, so I'm just amping the power coils and tightening the EM fields."
"Are you qualified to do that?"
"Probably not."
"You need a gunsmith's license to modify those weapons."
"Don't care, we need to get stronger. That's just how life works, you compensate for what's weak and improve on what you can."
"So what makes you think you can do it."
"You have to at least try, and besides...
*sounds of effort*
... what your so called 'qualifications' mean, is just that someone says you can do something. You don't need it to do it. It's all about the know how, anyone can do it if they are able."
"With all of the Darkness that's out there, do you think this will even make a dent?"
"Probably not."
"So... why?"
"I got all of this Fallen tech around us and we aren't doing a damn thing with it. We're hurting for gear so why not?"
"So you wanted to come out here just to scavenge?"
"Not just."
"What else then?"
"You're not just going to stand around telling me what you think I can or can't do, right?"
"I just don't want you to end up hurting yourself."
"Not important. If I fail then I'll just add it to my list of what doesn't work. Can you hand me those induction rods?"
"Do you think it'll work?"
"Ghost, weld that together for me..."
*sounds of arcing metal*
"Did you hear me?"
"So what's do you say? Do you think it'll work?"
"... probably not. But at least I can say I tried."
*whirring noises commense*
"Let's give it a shot then."[/spoiler]
That was cool! Good stuff.
Thank you.