Would you consider the people that use the Clown Cartridge glitch cheaters? My personal opinion is no because they are using a bug that allows them to do this in the game. It's like that really OP move on a character that makes it unbeatable. It's in the game, so why can't you use it. You a huge loser for doing this (I'm doing it to troll and see how much hate mail I get, I'm up to 12 lol) I'll admit that, but you aren't a cheater and can't really be banned. People would just report you for showing a bug in the system. You may be VERY cheap, but you aren't cheating. People send me "Go kill your self you -blam!ing cheater." My response is that I'm not cheating, I'm exploiting a glitch that is in the system: Lemme know what you think about this controversy. Final statement, it's not cheating, but it is in fact very, VERY noobish.
Edit: I love the opinions that everybody has provided. This whole conversation will be over hopefully Tuesday if they can fix it by reset. I still stand at my own opinion of it not being considered cheating. It is really just a noobish exploit that people started to use to have an advantage WITHOUT hacking or manipulating the actual game code. Although they use it, it is not changed or altered. Thanks again for the comments and look forward to see more.
Shout out to TheGreatNike <3
Edit 2: Something I thought about was that it's not too much of an "unfair advantage" if it's open to everybody to use. If a certain person could get free heavy, but others couldn't, then that would be unfair. So technically, that argument is wiped off the board. Thanks again for the opinions and look forward to hearing more
Is not a hack, not pulling lag switch... is an error in their code, an advantage as is shadstep bug, viking funeral, wombo combo, warlock melee range... So is ilegal to ban it, is bungo's fault... we have to wait for its fix.