Need help with scent of the worm fragment, seen someone do it before with other players standing on platforms so you can jump straight across rather than taking up precious time with getting your ghost out to find them! Please help!
I've stood platform duty for many of these. Early on people would think I was messing with them until they realized what I was doing. I had people shooting at me and trying to bag me. It was pretty funny but after they realized what was up they were glad for the help. So many d-bags out there that people just don't trust a helping I'm at work and on PS or I would jump on to help you. Good luck.
You can use a sword an the ledge on left side on your way to chest faster than using platforms
It's not that bad, I did it on my warlock alone before I knew I could cancel my glide. Took about 10 tries but wasn't that bad.
Yea this one is ridiculous. Lol. Just cheese it and hug the wall. It may take you 15 attempts but it'll take less time than 20 runs without cheesing. A tip though, when you jump the wall, try to always face the wall and press forward as if you could walk through it. In other with both feet on the wall and not just one. :) Good luck.
Git gud
Run along the wall on the left side helps to have a sword u can legit just run along that wall without using the platforms
If u can't find anyone try and running the path a few times and then when u actually try every time u jump pull out your ghost mid air so u don't waste time on the platform. Or look up a video on how to run along the wall if you're a warlock or Titan.