originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Oh sorry "
"Um if keep walking across your floor its gonna get dirter"she says
"Oh well"
*she walks the floor tracking more mud as she leaves the way she came in*
*He gets a mop and cleans up, walking outside shorty afterwards holding a menu* "So what can I get you?" *He places the menu down*
"Sorry about your floor"she says "Can i have coffee nothing fancy just black with two sugars please and you have something i can wipe the mud off with too please"
"Oh don't worry about the floor, it's already clean." "He walks back in, returning shorty with a cup, placing it on the table."
"Um was talking about my feet" "But think i got something in my pouch that can wipe them with i just gotta check" [spoiler]her pouch has spell on it so she carry all sorts things because they shrink down when she put them in it [/spoiler] *she start root through her pouch and start pulling out random things and setting them on the table she pulls out the following items: a curved red and black sword with strange runes, two books, a couple black bottles that are labeled in mer, a large bottle with picture strange with writing on it, a really old ass bottle of whiskey that has a date on that says 1953 then finally find what she looking for cause then she pulls out a small black towel. She wipes her feet with the towel and puts it back in the pouch then slowly starts doing the same to the rest of it* "Thank you how much do i owe you" asks leyla
"Free for all members."
"Sweet" *leyla drinks some her coffee its nice strong just the way she like* "That really good coffee" *leyla looks lost in thought as she stares off in to space*
"Do you need anything else?"
"Actually yeah i do its more about this strange bottle i found i have had it for a while now but cant figure what is on even what language its. I figure i let someone else help me figure it out." She says *the large bottle with strange markings and worn picture adorn the sealed large bottle but it gives no clue on what is still sits on the table*
*He picks up the bottle and examines it*
*leyla watches he as looks at. The liqiud in the bottle is almost clear but when you hold it to the light its pale blue*
*He opens the bottle and pours a small amount out into a glass* "Possibly alcohol?"
"There good chance could it be"
"Why not try it? If it is alcohol it won't end well if I drink it."
"Good point" *she take the glass and drinks it. Its really and tastes like raspberries* "Its alcohol and its really strong"
"Well then, now you have something when you wanna get drunk."
"Yeah as along dont end up in a tree again"she says with a chuckle