I'm so tiered of people crying about year one and the content that was left behind I got a game for you guys name a game that lasted more than two years with the same old crap I'll wait <3
Edit : Let me edit this post since it seems I have to specify one thing *an online game* there we go
I see some great games out there but here we go I'm going to poo on ur parade
Halo - great game but it's the the same old crap it's a series of games that let there year one content die to countine the series =)
LOL- a never ending game of new content new characters always adding new things not the same old crap !
WoW - same thing never the same old crap! They let there old content die out for new expansions when u play the latest expansion of WoW you will not be playing the burning crusade lol not the same old crap !
Battlefield Series - not the same old crap they coming out with new shit all the time check this out battlefield one new content letting the old battle fields die out.
All of call of duty - even do is shit in my opinion it always changes has updates, maps, zombie maps, so not the same old shit same Bull shit mechanics but not same old crap maps and guns etc.
Super smash bros - it's on the border of it meeting my requirements but they added a new character not sure if it was two years that it lasted strong online without any new content but we leave this one up for debate
Battle field 3 - last updated 2015 still didn't last 2 years without any new updates or content and the franchise countines same old mechanics but it doesn't meet my requirements.
The Diablo series - it's an online same old shit in each game great content do still has updates to this day I don't belive the first Diablo was online the secound one is still playable and had online co op and the latest one is having updates to this day
Minecraft - really? This son of a gun has updates and fresh content daily so nope does not meet the requirements
Team fortress two - They always updated and having new content just last February they got 16 new contracts still didn't last two years without any fresh content
Runescape - good old Runescape always updated always changing has been named around for ages but has not last two years without fresh content although they do have the Runescape legacy where you can play Runescape like it use to be back on 2007 so it is possible a winner in that aspect but they updating that as well
The list goes one point being you can go to any past game like call of duty 4 and play been out for ages as well but that stays where it is all ur gear and weapons will not transfer to call of Duty infante lol so it is what it is let the old content stay where it is and let the new ones roll in no need to keep crying about make year one relevant again or let's get our old gear back because it was the best I do get your feels but let it go and look forward to the rise of iron and D2 get what I am saying ?
I'll make another update in another hour .
The old raids and old content is still there just like any other old games and what not but it is good that it is not relevant anymore to make room for new stuff in the upcoming future
Can you seriously tell me that you would still play vanilla destiny to this day since day one no new content or updates or all that other good stuff ?
I'll make another edit in an hour currently working carry on
Some amazing games being called out here but let me start off by saying same old crap is define by same old guns same old characters same old pvp maps so the list goes on so far only one clear winner
Winner (Starcraft) - the original Starcraft like someone stated has been out for a long time without any updates or expansions it lasted two years with the same old crap and it was an online game.
For the game to meet the requirements it has to be online
Last more than two years
Not the same old crap meaning not the same guns, characters, maps. Even if the game has a tiny little new pvp map it still not the same old crap might be the same old Bulls hit mechanics but new content regardless.
More edits more but hurts the list countines
Call of Duty modern warfare 4 (another winner) - been a good 2 or 3 years since the game had changed or had an update so there for it is a winner
Gear of war 3 (winner) - is also a winner hasn't had an update for more than two years online and people still play it
Last edit lol there was actually no point in this post what so ever have a great day =) brought back some gold old gamming memories thanks for the feels !
007 goldeneye on n64
Super smash brothers melee has been around for ten plus years and is still going strong
POKEMON. 20 years in the making!!
Ok, let's -blam!- up your idealism, Destiny's last update that added things was April, with the Malok stuff and the taken version of Winters Run. So, destiny doesn't even meet your criteria.
Destiny has been the same game for 2 years but with different colors. That's it
Borderlands 2
Edited by Mint-Frost: 5/27/2016 12:28:34 AMGoing old school with Super Mario 1, 3, world. Mario Kart. Tetris. PacMan. NBA Jam. Mortal Kombat especially part 2. Street Fighter. And Pong. CASTLEVANIA SYMPHONY OF NIGHT!!! Games were meant to be played over and over. The ones that aren't, were not good. They were forgotten. If you want a new game since I'm old, use GTA Vice City Edit: These were played for many years beyond 2. Destiny is the only new game that will be played for as long as these titles.
Its funny because by the same "logic" that your countering all these other games that lasted 2+ years, you can say for destiny as well. You keep saying "its not the same game they updated it and added new content"..... So did destiny, so your point of bringing it up is... What exactly?
Pac Man Dig Dug Astroids.. I could keep going
Gears of War 2 is the last game that kept me interested that long. Me personally that is
Super smash bros melee lasted for like 5+ years. No new anything. Different type of game though.
Final Fantasy XIV?
Halo reach, halo 3, halo 2, borderlands
Long post , but I'll say in my experience and that's the only experience I can count on, I've never played a game for as longs as I've played destiny, I go through lulls but you will find me again doing the same story mission a hundred times and I still enjoy it! Esp for pve, I go through CoD pve in a few days Halo 5 in 2.5 days, fallout 4 should take more of my time but maybe it's too open world and I get bored. Just started doom and it's like playing on Roller skates so I bet that won't last long, I have the division unopened on my couch I should load it up. But all in all destiny has something I can't quite describe that keeps me logging in. Sorry horrific grammar!
Edited by DougeDimahoe: 5/26/2016 10:02:59 PMDark souls (1,2, and surely 3 will also last) Pokemon (any of them) CoD (mainly the first 2, WaW, CoD 4, MW2, BO, and BO2) Any Mario game Most Nintendo games Dead space (for me at least) There's probably more but those are the one's of the top of my head Edit: oops noticed online only, in that case remove dead space
Dcuo ...and still going
Holy -blam!-ing run on sentence
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure FFXI went unchanged for quite a bit and lasted many years.
Pokémon red and blue.
And the winner is... Tetris.
Star wars battlefront 2 Mass effect Pokemon Just to name a few that stand the test of time.
Edited by Auriventris: 5/26/2016 9:39:47 PMPretty much every game I buy lasts 2-3 years but I'm selective with what I buy & don't just throw money at whatever had the most awards at E3. Edit: Also ME3 Multiplayer :)
Real MMORPG games? Just to mention couple. Lineage 2, since 2004... so over 12 years World of warcraft, since 2004... another one over 12 years.
This guy...... What a tool