[u]But worse [/u]
Bramd - old
Oh, okay. Let's try to find that circle thing again -
[i]Where did you see it?[/i]
Bramd - old
Let's see. In the forest, not far from the Dojo. Leyla's bird Nightshade found it first and showed it to me, I try to diffuse it, then I am stuffed in a bag and a second later, I'm in the Rockies. I'm sorry about constantly repeating the Rockies thing, but, it's completely random -
"Yes yes it's understandable. So let's go to the Dojo. I can't really open up any portals so you do it."
Bramd - old
Wit? *Wit recites an incantation, and a portal to the Dojo opens up* Let's go -
[b]Kross and Cadmael enter, sheathing their swords before they do so. While Royal looks at you [/b] "You sure you okay?"
Bramd - old
I think. Let's go -
"Alright." [b]I enter the portal [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms back at the dojo* -
"Alright. Which way to the forest?"
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks through the gates and starts walking to the circle* -
[b]The rest of us follow you briskly [/b]
Bramd - old
*we approach the circle. It is made of dried blood and has many symbols* -
"Holy cow." [u]That's some demonic shit right there. I don't think I'll be of much use. [/u]
Bramd - old
Let me check if it's still active. *Mortar walks up to it, and the second his foot enters it, it ignites in flames. Mortar jumps back a little and stomps it out* -
[spoiler]Im back! [/spoiler] "Looks like it is."
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Yayy[/spoiler] Alright, let's see if I can diffuse this bastard -
[spoiler]Terribly sorry for the wait. Ban hammer hit me hard ;_; [/spoiler] "Diffuse it?" [u]Can you?[/u]
Bramd - old
I think I can [b]Yea, Leyla was Almost able to, but then Gore caused a distraction.[/b] Not to mention the fact that someone stole her book... -
"Wait Leyla tried?"
Bramd - old
[i]Yeah, she tried, and almost got it all. See how some of the symbols are black?[/i] *Crossbow points to the symbols* Of course, She forgot to finish, because she fainted from exhaustion -
"Well shoot. So What can we do?"
Bramd - old
Well, we gotta finish the job, then find out who did this. [spoiler]This ultimately led to Siren's latest post here[/spoiler] -
"Undoubtedly." [spoiler]so now what? [/spoiler]