Op is a classic 'desticle'. I love Destiny, but I'm wel aware of its flaws
Lmao did I even once said I like destiny ? Your dellustional
*you're If you don't like destiny, then I don't see why you took the time to write up a lengthy post
The post was a game my good sir and you forgot your period at the end of your sentence. *. There you go <3
Thanks fam. You forgot the period in your sentences as well.
It is there bro look a little harder behind the * symbol.
[quote]Lmao I'm just playing a simple game I made up with you guys that's all just add a little salt to it and I watch it burn like ur buddy in the comment too to be honest with you it's just a game to see if u guys can name a game that is online has been out for 2 years with the same old crap as in no updates same guns same characters same content that's all my boy[/quote] I don't see a period. Also this is dumb Muted
Well in didn't know we had a grammar game as well. You started it mate, I would of put periods and correct grammer if I knew you wanted to play this game. Lol.