Hello, once again, Offtopic. I'm your friendly neighborhood news reporter, who [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/203144910/0/0]exposed the identity of Index, the Ninja[/url]. Recently, I've been searching for some juicy stories to look into and report to you, and while out looking for stories to write up on, my lady (who happens to be an adult actress) texted me.
But what she texted me nearly shocked me. Not that I had anything against her job, but because of a [url=https://m.imgur.com/gallery/rKuc8]side comment she included about shoes.[/url]
At first, I found it weird, but then it dawned on me: Who else was so obsessed with people and shoes? Why, [url=http://i.imgur.com/LnVhs60.png]this man knows the answer[/url].
Why DTL does what he does, or how he let himself be exposed, is a mystery to be solved. That's all for today folks. This is Agent Venom, signing off.
This is so much ass kissing in one post, damn