originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]Not sure, Royal, Cadmael and Kross went to look for him. Oh, and Roy was back a little [/i]
"Oh i see"she says "Well did you figure anything out yet?"
[i]I recently saw this blood circle thing in the woods not far back... Do you think we should check it out?[/i]
"Yes take me there"she says "I need to see what it looks like"
*Crossbow nods as he runs out the gates and into the forest*
*leyla follows crossbow and aiyanna tags along running along behind them*
*We approach the circle, it is made of dried blood and has many symbols inside it*
Edited by VengefulSiren: 5/28/2016 12:23:31 AM*leyla goes pale when she see the circle* "This is bad very very bad" "I have seen this before long ago just i never thought would never see it here..." *there a very worried look on leyla's face*
*Crossbow looks at you* [i]Where did you see it before? This is the first time I've seen it, and I think Nightshade told me about this earlier...[/i]
"I have seen this in my spellbook but this is not a normal spell circle it has three seals mortar only broke one of them the result of which cursed him with very powerful curse." *she fishes out spellbook and turns the section its shows spell circle* "Our culprit has to be a mer that cast it and very powerful one at that" says leyla
[i]A mer creature. You sure, because many species have taken some time to write something in it. I think I had it once, wrote how to summon shadow defenses, that stuff[/i]
"It has to be a mer because this is something they can cast with ease. And this is a really hard spell to master it would take a human years master its that complex." *leyla turns the page and she drops it absolutely shocked as finds a note tucked in the page* "Umm this is not good i just more proof that it was indeed a mer. Some rat bastard snuck in a took my book and it damn thank you taunting me" says leyla *hold the note she found* [spoiler]the note reads as follows: Wow i really cant thank you enough my fellow mer for being stupid enough to leave this out not protected so thanks for the spell -a[/spoiler] "God i feel like such a fool"
[i] Please don't. This helps actually. I just thought that this was a way to revive Mortar's dad.[/i] *While he's saying this, he accidentally steps inside, and his foot catches fire, but he doesn't notice*
*she looks down cause she smells something burn she looks down at your foot* "Your on fire"
[i]oh, damn[/i] *He stomps out the fire*
"You ok?" *see watches him stomp out the fire on his foot.* "What should we do?" *she picks up her book off the ground*
[i]Oh, I'm okay. Im a skeleton, remember? Don't have nerves. and best i can determine is to diffuse it[/i]
"Yeah and that gonna be tough to do cause it might tigger something nasty each seals that get broken has a curse on it. " she says *she open book the back up flips to the page a look at it. She makes a face as she reads it trying figure out a way to break the last two seals*
I don't think he's cursed. He was like this long before now
"Maybe not but the asshole did this so i gotta safely despell the damn thing and im gonna need you to watch my back as i do so. Cause it will get ugly when despell this circle thing" she says *she clears her mind as she ready herself when calm she looks at you* "You ready?" She asks calmly
Ready when you are. *The circle begins to glow, except for the one symbol. There is a loud rustling heard in the bushes not far from you*
*she casts a barrier protection over herself and crossbow then she starts to chant holding her hands over the circle she focuses on the seals tranfixed her gaze unwavering. She feel the very ground shake around her as she chants. You see certain parts to fades as the second seals starts to weaken* *rustling in the continues*
*The rustling stops, and Gore jumps out, looking around at your field* [i]Um, Leyla?[/i]
"Yes crossbow"she pauses for a second *she doesnt see what behind cause back is turned*
[i]Gore is penetrating the shield[/i] *Behind you, you can hear something breaking the barrier. Gore has two swords of unidentifiable color breaking through*
"Gravity Crush" she says and snaps her fingers. *as soon as she does the his feels like being forcefully weighed down by some unknown force. She turns around and looks at you.* "Now Stay Down"she snaps her fingers again. *gore is pull flat against the ground by force making it very difficult for him to move at all*