I personally hate both Country and Rap, and think they are trash, but what do you guys think?
Any genre that uses computer generated noises. Pop, Rap, Dubstep, Hip Hop, etc.
Rap, without a doubt.
Country and Pop
Country and Rap.
Whatever that whip nae trash is.
Edited by HangPoliticians: 5/28/2016 5:26:04 AM[i]Modern[/i] country. Gone are the days of the greats; Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, etc... Edit: Also, I could smear liquid shit from a port-a-potty from outside Taco Bell onto a piece of paper and make a better song than todays pop.
If counting rap as music, then rap. I am not sure it qualifies, as it is basically illiterate basic rhyming about women, drugs and guns set to random sounds including imitation fart noises. It is the Special Olympics of music - music for people not capable of actual music, but you have to pretend they are "so talented."
the one that goes beep boo-doo bop boo-doo beep
All the shit I listened to when I was 16 and edgy...
Edited by awesomedude1123: 5/28/2016 4:32:02 AMCountry, it's like the lung cancer of the music industry. At one point in my life I would've said rap, but as of recently I've learned to enjoy some rap and learned that not all of it is trash. There are some good rappers out there, some of which who don't rap about trash and actually know how to rap. I don't like that genre as a whole, but I recognize how damn difficult it is to rap, and this is coming from someone who listens to metal.
People are allowed to dislike anything...but why is everybody so close minded and arrogant? "All rap is [generic childish insult] therefore it's all utter garbage." I dislike metal but I sure as hell don't generalize the entire genre based on the 3 bands I've heard and try to condescend the genre and any fans of it. Cause I'm a rational human being.
I'd rather listen to country than classic rock...
All types of music have good and bad examples of that music
County and especially blue grass
Music is like candy. You take out all the good stuff and throw away the "rappers"
Rock in general.
I don't like ripping on people's tastes in music.
Whatever the hell Rush is
Screamo or heavy metal
Since I'm skinny, have long hair and listen to metal, I am apparently 'socially delayed' and have nothing of value to add.
Edited by afanoflafear: 5/27/2016 11:12:21 PM[quote]I personally hate both Country and Rap, and think they are trash, but what do you guys think?[/quote]I don't mind country, I LOVE Hip Hop (1993 - 2007 Southern, NY, Mid West and Philly) Even Drake did the damn thing so I also got love for Canada. Metal and all the regrettable sub genres it has spawned is the worst to me - Rap has always been criticized for objectifying woman, materialism, egotisism, disregard for the law etc. Well I'd rather listen to that than some Mental Assylum worthy person wildly thrashing a guitar while screaming about crushing skulls, drinking blood or whatever.
The only good genre of music I don't like is country. Even then I don't think it sucks.
Holy. Shit. Are you my twin?