"Thanks, good to be back."
I bet. What did you do over there? Relaxing or just slaying stuff. Both are considered a vacation for me... *He chuckles*
*He laughs* "Rest on a beach of course, even I gotta relax sometimes."
Yeah, I guess. Of course, I seem to relax so much that I don't remember when or how I went to sleep. Last time I did that was that time in your Starbucks
"Yeah, that was strange to see."
Yea. Well, I won't bother you for much longer, gotta do some stuff around here, you know, like, clean up, look for new members, try to find out why people think I'm gonna kill them when I walk in a room, that stuff.
*He laughs* "Alright man, see ya later."
See ya *Mortar walks away*