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5/27/2016 8:18:13 PM

Funny stuff during Overwatch matches

>Be me >just got Overwatch >None of my friends are online so i play solo for awhile >Find match >despite not wearing a mic i still can hear my team of randoms. >Choose Lucio to give speed boosts and health >match so far is even between both teams after two in my team start playing really well >guy who is rushing in my team with a soldier 76 doing jack shit starts screaming for no reason >blames us for his constant deaths at the hands of a camping junkrat >me and two others are moving the payload, a tracer is going behind enemy lines to distract them and a widowmaker is sniping all the torjborn turrets it can see from a distance. >Soldier 76 guy keeps dying and starts blaming us for his shitty playstyle >got a lucky triple kill with lucio because enemy team had low health >Soldier guy starts insulting me for stealing his kill >we lose, soldier guy screams and blames us for losing. >play of the game is my lucky triple kill, soldier guy calls me a fag and that i should consider killing myself >"It ain't me" starts playing in my head while i laugh at his insults Any weird stories to tell from overwatch matches to share? just clarifying i don't hate the soldier 76 hero at all, just pointing out that was the one he was using the whole time.

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  • Ragers gonna rage.

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  • Lol. I had such a similar situation. There was a terrible soldier 76 on our team. I was playing Hanzo. The guy would blame everyone else every time he died. Mid game I notice that the enemy has switched their characters so I switch to Bastion to counter them. I go tank mode and kill 4. He starts yelling about how I stole his kills. Play of the Game: Me as Bastion. He says "Bastion, you are such a -blam!-ing asshole." I just had to laugh.

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  • > Be me and my friends last night (4 of us). > Every time we play defense nothing but us being Torbjorn. We each received hate mail at some point in the night > Be me on offense, never once get a single play of the game with them somehow. > Be us and the only match we lost was when we couldn't get the payload .53m into the zone. I raged so much at that Games so good

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  • Edited by Vox Mortuis: 5/27/2016 10:47:55 PM
    Mine is similar to yours. I joined a game in progress (on PC btw), and there was this one guy in the enemy team typing a lot in chat. As the game was nearing its end he started insulting his team with such things as "they're standing right there and you can't kill them!" Or "you need to stop sniping, you can't hit anything". That was game one of two. During the second game he starts claiming that the hero's we pick are OP. Even though there is a phara (however it's spelled) on [b]his team[/b], when he sees one on ours he says "oh, of course the flying one", etc. Long story short, his team lost both matches, and by the end of the second I thought he was going to give himself a heart attack he was raging so hard.

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    • They're is always that one person that sucks ass or has a shitty connection that keeps dying over and over again. Annoying as hell.

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      • I've gotten good at playing an aggressive Lucio. Like scary good. Enemies never expect the support to rush them and run circles around them. This is exactly what I do. I've killed many bastions by myself speed boosting around them and the amp always messes them up. Hanzos have rage quit because they can't hit a moving target that easily. It's hilarious watching 2-3 enemies chasing down a Lucio they can't catch while my team takes the objective. Of course, I still heal plenty, and even speed boost my team often to the see effect. Its hilarious.

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